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How our group works

"The home is the chief school of human virtues". -William Ellery Channing

Our families gather throughout the week for Co-op classes, field trips, and park days on Friday. Parents volunteer to perform a specific duty and each week we alternate responsiblities. Visitors are welcome to attend a Co-op class but are required to RSVP via facebook or the contact form. The group has no dues or statement of faith the only requirement to become a member is attend meetings and volunteer, it's that simple!

View our new member packet here. 


We do not have have a single leader or designated leaders. We pool our resources together and equally share the load of creating events. When a decision needs to be made we currently vote via C.I.H members facebook group. We all work hard to resolve issues and communicate our needs. So far we have had three successful years under this model!


*Visitors are welcome to attend our events and co-op classes. However, for safety purposes, we pre-screen those interested via facebook group membership. Those interested are asked to provide a brief intro and commit to attend at least one gathering within three months of joining. Non-members are welcome to attend events - we simply ask for an RSVP via facebook or our contact form.

Allergy Statement


In order for the members of our group and their children to feel safe, we are asking everyone participating in the co-ops be aware of how serious food allergies are and have instituted a new guideline. Starting September 1, 2014 no peanut based food will be allowed at co-op functions and we also ask no sharing of food unless the parent of the child who intends to share has given their consent. We feel this new rule will create a safe environment for everyone while also acting as an educational tool for our children. For more information on food allergies, please visit

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